Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept for you in heaven, who by God's power are being guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. 1 Peter 1:3-5

Monday, July 23, 2007

Lakeshore Mississippi Part 2

I have been attempting to update my blog for well over a week now, but have yet to succeed until now. I decided to forgo putting more pictures up, as that seems to be the problem, so words will have to suffice for this update.

These past few weeks of my life here in Lakeshore have been busy to say the least. We have still had many volunteer teams coming in and out, working on several different houses and projects. I have done everything from getting teams out where they need to go to writing up a press release for the VBS we had here last week to using a miter saw to cut trim and then installing it in an elderly man's home we are trying to finish. I even got to pick out the counter top that will go in this man's kitchen, that was fun!

I have also had the privilege of working with several people who came for a longer period of time this summer, like me. Aside from Andrew and Doug, two guys from my church back in Louisville, I met and became friends with Joel Cupp, Jayme Deeb, and Liz Hawkins, and have continued to get to know Jamie Dunbar, the intern here. It was really fun to have these people around this summer, we played lots of card games, talked late many nights, and went out on the weekends together. Andrew left several weeks ago and is now off to basic training for the military and Joel, Jayme, and Liz all left last week, so the atmosphere around here has definitely changed. It has been somewhat lonely with everyone leaving, and I think we have all felt it, but, at the same time, it has brought some sense of normalcy back to life. Instead of having a party every night, we now have time read, go to bed early, etc. This past weekend, I think Doug, Jamie, and I watched a movie every day, partly from loneliness, but mostly because we were all so exhausted and worn out.

I mentioned that this past week has brought some normalcy back to me. It is normalcy because this will be my life for another 3 months. Pastor Don asked me a few weeks ago to consider staying here in Lakeshore through the fall. My initial reaction was one of dislike as I was already in the mindset of going home in a few weeks. I had, however, promised Don I would think about it, and so I did. I spoke with many of my close friends and mentors and tried to think it out logically as well. At the end of the day, the more I thought and prayed about it, the clearer it became that this is a good opportunity for me and will benefit the people of Lakeshore as well. I will be able to stay here for a minimal amount of money, work part time at the church helping in whatever ways I can, and work about 15-20 hours a week on my online medical transcription training. I know this will be a challenging and stretching time for me, as well as a good time. So, I am seeking, by God's grace, to stay focused on things above, not on earthly things, and to focus on how I can glorify God while I'm here and depend on the Lord's new mercies every morning. I feel the imminent temptation to be focused on what I'm missing in Louisville this fall with all my friends and church family there, but I really pray the Lord would allow me to consider others needs above my own wants and count it a joy to be here this fall. I don't know the exact date I will be coming home yet, but somewhere around the 1st of November. Please pray for me, brothers and sisters, that I would be used here to God's glory, and I pray the same for you all too.

I think that's all I have for now. May you know His mercies this day and depend on them wholly.


Joel Cupp said...

You are daily in my prayers. Your servant heart is amazing and an example for all of us. Stay strong in Him.


Paula said...

Hi Kristy,
What exciting news! Thank you for being Obedient to His Call as you extend your stay in Lakeshore. He will use you in a Mighty Way, I know it + believe it.
God's Peace,

Anonymous said...

Joel Cupp is a pervert and child molester.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.