Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept for you in heaven, who by God's power are being guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. 1 Peter 1:3-5

Thursday, July 5, 2007

My new blog

Well, since I'm already on the Facebook bandwagon, I thought I could go ahead and start a blog too! I'm in the middle of my summer in Lakeshore, MS and thought it would be good to begin keeping a more detailed record of what's going on here! Also, it's my 22nd birthday today and so it seemed like a good day to start a blog.

Anyway, through the model of a great friend, Jamie Dunbar (, who has been here in Lakeshore for over a year, I have been seeking to be more diligent at reading consistently through one book at a time. This attempt has been so helpful in many ways. I not only remember the book a lot better because I am reading it more cohesively, but I am able to read more books because, let me tell you, when I am reading 4 books at once, I don't finish any of them! So, right now I am nearing the end of The Attributes of God by Arthur Pink. It is a very good book which systematically goes through several attributes of God such as His solitariness, sovereignty, holiness, power, love, mercy, and wrath. It has been so beneficial for my soul to be immersed with a biblical picture of God's character. I pray that the truth I am gaining from this book will infiltrate my mind and that God will use it to cause me to trust Him as He is my all-wise, sovereign, and loving Father who cares for me perfectly!

It has been a good day here in Lakeshore. My friends have been very kind to me today, making my birthday very special. First, I was able to sleep in until about 8:15, which was very nice. Then, when I got to the office, there was a card and a pack of Twizzlers waiting for me! Pastor Don, the pastor of Lakeshore Baptist Church, took us out to lunch. Then, at dinner, they sang me Happy Birthday and we had cupcakes with cute green frogs on them!

As I was talking to my mom earlier today we were reflecting on the past few years of my life. When I think back over the past few years of my life I am amazed at the grace of God that has been shown in my life. God has done such a work in my heart and life and grown me so much these past two years, it is almost hard for me to believe where I was a few years ago! Praise the Lord for His bounty! It is amazing to think that on this day last year I was in Bandar Lampung, Indonesia celebrating my 21st birthday with my good friend Katye Green and the missionaries there that we were serving alongside. I am so thankful to the Lord that He has allowed me to spend my last two birthdays serving Him in these ways!


Joel Cupp said...

It has been a privilege serving with you this summer. It has been great seeing God use you and to have you share what God is teaching you. You are a great woman of God!


Bolo said...

Kristy Miller's blogging...


Anonymous said...

Joel Cupp is a pervert.